Example with Anchor Link!
The new document will go to https://shortly.win/cpx24, while the self document will go to https://shortly.win/yllix.
<a href="https://shortly.win/cpx24" target="_blank" data-link="https://shortly.win/yllix">...</a>
Blank Target
The new document will go to https://shortly.win/yllix, while the self document will go to https://shortly.win/cpx24.
<a href="https://shortly.win/cpx24" target="_self" data-link="https://shortly.win/yllix">...</a>
Self Target
The new document will go to https://shortly.win/yllix, while the parent document will go to https://shortly.win/cpx24.
<a href="https://shortly.win/cpx24" target="_parent" data-link="https://shortly.win/yllix">...</a>
Parent Target
The new document will go to https://shortly.win/yllix, while the top document will go to https://shortly.win/cpx24.
<a href="https://shortly.win/cpx24" target="_top" data-link="https://shortly.win/yllix">...</a>
Top Target